DPPI Images is an agency that was created in 1965 by enthusiasts of sport photography.
For about twenty years, they mainly focused on motorsports, from motorbikes to F1, via karting, the 24 Hours of Le Mans, and even rallies. Afterwards, DPPI Images grew to cover all types of sports, from football to ski, from rugby to swimming, and sailing.
Thanks to the experience and specialisation of their photographers and their organisation, DPPI produces and distributes their images all over the world, directly or via a network of partners such as the AFP (Agence France Presse – 3rd largest press agency in the world).
Alongside its function as provider of photos and videos for the press, DPPI Images has developed a “corporate” activity and offers a great production and creation service to promote the products and the image of their clients.
Press, creation and content delivery agency, DPPI Images is also a services company that manages the complete image process, from taking the shot on any terrain in the world, up to the archiving and secured conservation of the image. This expertise has led the agency to complete their offer with video production, thereby meeting all the needs of the brands and institutions who have put their trust in DPPI Images for decades.
Over the years, DPPI Images has built an exceptional archive of 18 million photos, a unique testimony of 50 years of sporting history. The richness and continuous enrichment of this image database allows us to meet the needs of the world leaders in sport marketing, who draw from our archives and from our current stock the best images, to give value to their brands, products and stories.
Since 2015, when they celebrated their 50th birthday, DPPI Images has widened their offer to sports fans and artistic photographers. The agency exhibits in trade shows and offers individuals the online sale of their best photos.